If we want to definite the definition of past here is beyond time or later and used to indicate the lapse of time. The past as we dig further to find the meaningful meaning is any time that has gone or elapsed in time and already happened. The past is something that we can’t turn back on no matter how much we want it. The definition isn’t that contrast with present and future because it is all a time

Back to the topic, stop holding on to your past means putting an end to any trauma and grief that holding you on from moving forward and living your life. Trauma and grief can be devastating from time to time if you don’t put a halt to them. Trauma such as physical abuse, bullying, and early childhood trauma is something no one ever needs to go through it but some humans are just beyond evil. The grief and loss from losing someone are unbearable and the pain is overwhelming but this doesn’t mean you need to stop functioning in your life.

Time as they say is a sword either you cut it or it cut you. While you are drowning in those unloop holes, time will cut you. When you aren’t progressing with your life and time isn’t helping either and you don’t heal from your fear and despair, life can be difficult. Healing isn’t something you just wait until it comes for you. Healing isn’t like that. To heal you need to recognize which event you need to let go of, to heal you need to acknowledge your presence in this world. To acknowledge your presence you need to accept yourself first.

Life can be turbulent sometimes but you don’t need to feel guilty about something you aren’t responsible for. You don’t need to feel guilty about wanting to heal yourself after going through such an event. Allah has said in the Quran:

And do not let those of virtue among you and wealth swear not to give (aid) to their relatives and the needy and the emigrant for the cause of Allah and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (22:24)

The above verse isn’t just about forgiving someone who had done us wrong but it is also to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, fear, and guilt. If Allah can forgive us for our wrongdoing why can’t we forgive ourselves? Mistake is bound to happen because we are just normal human beings therefore it isn’t wrong for us to make a mistake and it isn’t our fault that we had to go through such things.

Difficult times to test our faith, our Imaan, and our strength but it is also a blessing and a sign of Allah’s love. Allah loves us more than our parents so He knows exactly what you had been through. Just don’t give up on yourself. Allah has said in the Holy Quran :

“The present world is only an illusory pleasure: you are sure to be tested through your possessions and person; you are sure to hear much that is hurtful from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with God. If you are steadfast and mindful of God that is the best course.” (Quran 3:186)

The ability to forgive ourselves and others is the first step to letting go of our past because when you can release such a burden, serenity and peace will come to you. Life won’t go easy on you but you don’t need to hold yourself longer than you can bear. We can’t return to fix and mend what had been done but we can put it right by avoiding repeating the same things. Hardship and pain are what make us tougher so be nice to yourself because you aren’t putting anyone responsible for your life except yourself. Hurdles and obstacles won’t make you less human because what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.


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